Become an animal

After months of conflict between 46 KG and the rats, i decided that to become a rat was the only suitable solution.

Many an evening have we returned to the house, or been sat in the kitchen to hear a surprising amount of noise to be coming from the cupboard. After sneaking up to the cupboard door to see what could be making all the commotion, to find only the rats tail quickly disappearing behind the top of the cupboard.

So this is what i wanted to portray in my performance. I also want to make the audience try to guess what this animal will be, leaving them in suspense, maybe letting it go on just that bit too long, only to have the disappointment of me sitting in the cupboard at the end. Not too obvious, a long awaited end which has no real satisfaction, Bas an Ader-esque.

So, me sitting in the cupboard, door shut,
making noises, banging, scratching, rustling,
leaving the viewer guessing,
no clues, not too obvious, (i dont want to include rat traps although we have plenty)

end in the cupboard eating something.

end result running/scrambling towards the camera.

For someone to help me decide tomorrow.

Become an animal from Natasha Phillips on Vimeo.

Become an animal 2 from Natasha Phillips on Vimeo.