Magical museum

Celebrate the obscure

Visit your local museum and find an exhibit that fascinates you.

Research and document it. Make drawings and photographs. Communicate your fascination with the exhibit.

  • Design and make an alternative exhibit in response to the chosen piece. (Could this be placed in the museum?)
  • Create a publication that contains a narrative or history of the exhibit. This may be fictional or factual.
  • Design a poster that publicises the exhibit and the museum. (Minimum size A2)
Dictionary definition
obscure - not discovered or known about; uncertain : his origins and parentage are obscure.

not clearly expressed or easily understood
not important or well known
hard to make out or define; vague

Post essay, i want to lead this project on the theme of 'found art'. I want to find something in a museum situation which doesnt really have the right to be there, lack of reason/importance.
things which people wouldnt usually look at in the museum environment
stuff on the floor - nothing to do with the museum
lost property

With only one museum in shrewsbury - Regimental Museum. I rang up and Ian, a very helpful museum worker invited me in to chat about the lost property as he was in charge of it and had been since 1995.
He had created a system - a book, and reference number for each object, place where it had been found, who is was found by, and who accepted it.
The objects were all pretty mundane, a lot of glasses, umbrellas. I asked which he thought were the most obscure objects handed in and he told me about some red high heels and a pair of binoculars.

He allowed me to photograph some of the objects that hadn't been collected or given away to charity.
Although Ian told me about the history of some of these objects, all were pretty boring. I want to create a fictional narrative of these objects.
Maybe try and buy/find duplicates of these objects and present them in vitrines as a exhibit as objects of created fictional worth.